CTA Surface System History presented by the Illinois Railway Museum - North Shore Section
This section contains books and/or reports on the North Shore Line. Some are direct links to the documents. Others are links to a webpage for that specific book/report which will give you options to view it. These full book/document files can be very large so you will be given options to view sections of the book/report to choose the best option for you based on your download capability/speed.
Below that is a document which outlines the General Description of the NSL from the Executive Office from April 15, 1958.
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NSL Financial Viability Report - May 06, 1933
This is a report on the financial viability of the NSL by James Walker, Consultin Engineer.
Go to 1933 Report Page.
NSL History - June 01, 1938
This section contains a "book" outlining the history of the Bluff City Electric Ry, the C&ME and the NSL by Florence M. O'Donnell.
Go to 1938 Report Page.
General Report on Analysis of Business and Operations - April 11, 1947
Entire report in One File (12.5 mb)
Scrapbook-type collection of substation photos and documentation - c1954
Entire book in One File (10.5 mb)
NSL General Description - April 15, 1958
Entire book in One File (9 mb)
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