CTA Surface System History presented by the Illinois Railway Museum
Below listed are individual pages from an official book of bus stop mockups. They are organized by CTA's TP numbering system. There are over 1,000 pages, so we have broken them up into managable sections of about 50-60 pages each. After the TP number, the routes represented on the bus stop are listed. Those route numbers in parentheses were originally on the sign, but covered over. As time permits, we will attempt to provide organization by route number as well as thumbnails. This will take some time, but we wanted to get these up as soon as possible. Each file is approx. 2 Mb so they may take longer to download depending on the speed of your internet connection. Please use your back button to return to the list.
TP0401 - 74, 86
TP0402 - 11, 74
TP0403 - 65, 74
TP0404 - 11, 37, 74
TP0405 - 8, 37, 74
TP0406 - 37, 74
TP0407 - (41), 125
TP0409 - 125, (41), 157
TP0410 - 125, (41), 157
TP0412 - 125, 157
TP0413 - 125
TP0419 - 119
TP0423 - 34, 103, 106, 119
TP0424 - 34, 103, 106, 119
TP0427 - 34, 103, 119
TP0428 - 34, 103, 119
TP0430 - 92, 93
TP0433 - 45, 62
TP0434 - 8A, 79
TP0435 - 95E, 100
TP0436 - 1, 7, 60, 126, 129, 135, 136, 151, 156
TP0437 - 1, 7, 60, 126, 129, 151, 156
TP0438 - 1, 7, 126, 129, 151
TP0439 - 7
TP0440 - 1
TP0441 - 44, 75
TP0442 - 108
TP0447 - 1, 151
TP0449 - 135, 136
TP0450 - 2, 11, (16), 146
TP0455 - 27, 106
TP0457 - 41, 77
TP0458 - 41
TP0459 - 152
TP0460 - 22, 36
TP0461 - 146
TP0462 - 27, 95E
TP0463 - 81, 93
TP0476 - 11, 96
TP0478 - 136, 151
TP0479 - 147, 155
TP0480 - 147, 155
TP0481 - 136, 147, 151
TP0483 - 16
TP0483A - 16
TP0485 - 69
TP0486 - 64
TP0487 - 54A
TP0488 - 80 [v1]
TP0488 - 80 [v2]
TP0490 - 54A, 80
TP0493 - 6
TP0494 - 14
TP0496 - 80, 326
TP0498 - 129
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