CTA Surface System History presented by the Illinois Railway Museum
CTA Timetables
Older, paper timetables are identified with "(P)" after the date to differentiate them from newer, electronic versions.
Bus & Rapid Transit Timetables
Addison (152)
Archer (62)
Archer-Austin (62A)
Archer-Harlem (62H)
Archer-Narragansett (62N)
Armitage (73)
Ashland (9)
Ashland Express (X9)
Ashland-Archer (45)
Austin (91)
Avon Express (X98)
Belmont (77)
Blue Island-26th (60)
Broadway (36)
Bronzeville-Union Station (1)
California (94)
North California (93)
South California (94)
California-Dodge (93)
Central (85)
North Central (85A)
Central-Ridge (201)
Central-Sherman (201)
Cermak (21)
Cermak Express (21X)
West Cermak (25)
Chicago (66)
Chicago-Golf (205)
Chicago Mfg Campus Exp (X99)
Cicero (54)
North Cicero-Skokie Blvd (54A)
South Cicero (54B)
Clarendon-LaSalle Exp (135)
Clarendon-Michigan Exp (148)
Clark (22)
Cottage Grove (4)
Cottage Grove Express (X4)
Cumberland Express (69)
Cumberland-East River (69)
Damen (50)
South Damen (48)
Devon (155)
West Devon (155A)
Devon-Cicero (14)
Diversey (76)
Division (70)
Dodge (204)
Drexel-Hyde Park (1)
Elston-Clybourn (41)
Evanston Circulator (206)
Foster (92)
West Foster (92W)
Foster-Canfield (64)
Foster-Lawrence (64)
Fullerton (74)
West Fullerton (74B)
Garfield (55)
Goose Island Express (132)
Grand (65)
Grant Park Treasures (130)
Halsted (8)
South Halsted (8A)
Halsted-Archer (42)
Halsted-95th (108)
Harlem (90)
North Harlem (90N)
Harrison (7)
Higgins (88)
Hyde Park Express (2)
Illinois Center-Northwestern Exp (122)
Illinois Center-Union Exp (123)
Indiana-Hyde Park (1)
Inner Drive-Marine Express (146)
Inner Drive-Michigan Express (146)
Inner Lake Shore-Michigan Exp (146)
Irving Park (80)
Irving Park Express (X80)
West Irving Park (80A)
Jackson (126)
Jackson Park Express (6)
Jeffery Local (15)
Jeffery Jump (J14)
Jeffery Manor Express (100)
Jeffery Manor Limited (100)
Kedzie (52)
Kedzie-California (52)
North Kedzie (89)
South Kedzie (52A)
Kimball-Homan (82)
King Drive (3)
Lake (16)
South Lake Shore Express (14)
Laramie (57)
LaSalle (156)
Lawrence (81)
West Lawrence (81W)
Lincoln (11)
Lunch Loop (10 & 15)
Lunt (96)
Lunt-Touhy (96)
Madison (20)
Magnificant Mile Express (33)
Main Shuttle (200)
Main-Emerson (202)
Marine-Michigan Express (144 & 146)
Marquette (110)
McCormick-Northwestern (127)
South Michigan (34)
Michigan Express (38)
Michigan-119th (119)
Midway Park 'n' Ride (99M)
Milwaukee (56)
North Milwaukee (56A)
Montrose (78)
Morgan-Racine (23)
Museum Campus (130)
Museum of Science and Industry (10)
Narragansett (86)
Narragansett Express (164)
Narragansett-Ridgeland (86)
Navy Pier (124)
North (72)
Northeastern Illinois U-Bus (89)
Northwest Highway (68)
Northwestern-Franklin (129)
Northwestern-Madison (127)
Northwestern-Wacker Express (120)
Ogden (98)
Ogden-Randolph (58)
Ogilvie-Streeterville Express (120)
O'harexpress (40)
Outer Drive Express (147)
Outer DuSable Lake Shore Exp (147)
Pershing (39)
Peterson (84)
Pulaski (53)
South Pulaski (53A)
Pulaski-Stevenson Express (162)
Pullman (4A & 104)
Pullman-Altgeld (104)
Pullman-111th-115th (111)
Pullman-115th (115)
Pullman Shuttle (111A)
Ridge-Grant (203)
Roosevelt (12)
Sedgwick (37)
Sheridan (151)
Sheridan-LaSalle Express (136)
Shopping Loop (15)
Skokie (97)
South Chicago (30)
South Deering (27)
South Shore Express (26)
South Shore Night Bus (N5)
State (29)
Stateliner (149)
Stevenson Express (99)
Stockton-LaSalle Express (134)
Stockton-Michigan Express (143)
Stony Island (28)
Streeterville (157)
Streeterville-Taylor (157)
SW Skokie (13)
UIC-Pilsen Express (168)
Union-Streeterville Express (121)
Stadium/United Center Express (19)
Union-Wacker Express (192)
U of C Hospitals Exp (192)
U of C-Hyde Park (171)
U of C-Kenwood (172)
U of C-Lakeview Exp (173)
U of C-Midway (170)
Vincennes-111th (112)
Wallace-Racine (44)
Washington Express (23)
Water Tower Express (125)
Wentworth (24)
West Loop-South Loop (129)
Westchester (17)
Western (49)
North Western (49B)
South Western (49A)
Western Express (X49)
Wilson-LaSalle Express (135)
Wilson-Michigan Express (145)
16th-18th (18)
31st (31)
West 31st (32)
31st-35th (35)
35th (35)
35th (35W)
43rd (43)
47th (47)
51st (51)
55th-Austin (55A)
55th-Narragansett (55N)
59th-61st (59)
63rd (63)
West 63rd (63W)
West 65th (165)
67th-69th-71st (67)
69th-UPS Express (169)
71st (71)
71st-South Shore (71)
74th-75th (75)
79th (79)
87th (87)
93rd-95th (95E)
95th (95)
West 95th (95W)
103rd-106th (103)
East 103rd (106 & 106B)
West 103rd (103)
East 106th (106A)
111th-115th (111)
111th-King Drive (111)
RT - Blue Line
RT - Brown Line
RT - Evanston Express
RT - Green Line
RT - Orange Line
RT - Pink Line
RT - Purple Line
RT - Red Line
RT - Skokie Swift
RT - Yellow Line
RTA/Pace Bus Timetables
Route Numbers in the 100s
Route Numbers in the 200s
Route Numbers in the 300s
Route Numbers in the 400s
Route Numbers in the 500s
Route Numbers in the 600s
Route Numbers in the 700s
Route Numbers in the 800s
Route Numbers in the 900s
Routes With No Specific Route Numbers
Nortran Routes Prior to RTA Route Renumbering
United Motor Coach Routes Prior to RTA Route Renumbering
Metra Schedules
Heritage Corridor
Milwaukee District - North Line
Milwaukee District - West Line
Metra Electric
North Central Service
Rock Island District
Southwest Service
Union Pacific - North Line
Union Pacific Northwest Line
Union Pacific - West Line
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