CTA Surface System History presented by the Illinois Railway Museum
There were only two base plates used for the universal transfers. The first was used for only a little over a year, from 01/07/1974 until 04/25/1975. The second was used for the balance of this style, from 04/26/1975 until 02/08/1986. The style numbers used here will all start with a letter which will differentiate them from the regular individual route issues that came before these. The first character will be a "A" for the first style and "B" for the second style. The second number will coorespond with the type of transfer (Standard, Rapid Transit, Multi-fare, etc.). Any additional sub-styles will have a small letter at the end. ** RENUMBERING OF "A" IS COMPLETE, RENUMBERING OF "B" IS IN PROGRESS **
Transfers by Type
Part 4 - Universal Transfers (1974 - 1986)
Style U1a - 01/07/1974
Simple "1 hour" universal bus transfer. No route designation. White paper (weekday). Green date and serial numbers.
Style U1b - 01/20/1974
Same as U-A1a on green paper (Used on weekends & holidays).
Style U1c - 01/07/1974
Simple "1 hour" universal rapid transit transfer. No route designation. White paper (weekday). Green date and serial numbers.
There are eight variations of the Rapid Transit transfer (overprint plates #2 thorugh #9).
One without a printed "pre-punch" and seven with a printed "pre-punch" in one of the large zones. This example is plate #7.
Style U1d - 01/20/1974
Same as U-A2a on green paper (Used on weekenda & holidays).
This example shows the different overprint "pre-punch" plate numbers that were used.
The numbers in this example DO NOT coorespond with the style listed here.
It is to illustrate the different pre-punches that were used and the corresponding plate numbers.
Style U1e - 01/07/1974
Simple "1 hour" universal extra fare transfer with 4 different extra fares (85, 75, 70, 65). No route designation. White paper (weekday). Green date and serial numbers. SORRY, NO IMAGE AVAILABLE
Style U1f - 01/20/1974
Same as U-A3a on green paper (weekend/holiday).
Style U1g - 03/02/1974
Simple "1 hour" universal extra fare transfer with 3 different extra fares (85, 75, 70). No route designation. White paper (weekday). Green date and serial numbers.
Style U1h - 03/02/1974
Same as U-A3c on green paper (Used on weekends & holidays). SORRY, NO IMAGE AVAILABLE
Style U1i - 06/02/1974
Sunday supertransfer, Op-74250 plate number. Green date and serial numbers. SORRY, NO IMAGE AVAILABLE
Style U1j - 07/14/1974
Sunday supertransfer, no plate number. Green date and serial numbers.
Style U2a - 04/26/1975 & 1979 & 1983
Universal transfer (Bus & Rapid Transit). Smaller size. Green date and serial numbers.
Style U2b - 04/26/1975 & 1979 & 1983
Same as U2a, larger size, "Senior/Handicapped" overprinted Supertransfer style.
Style U2c - 04/26/1975 & 1979 & 1983
Same as U2a, "5c Fare". SORRY, NO IMAGE AVAILABLE
Style U2d - 04/26/1975 & 1979 & 1983
Same as U2a, "5c Senior/Handicapped" fare.
Style U2d(2) - 12/1979
Same as U2d, "5c" only - "Senior/Handicapped" ground off plate, used until new plate with "Reduced Fare" available. Replaced U2d in 1979.
Style U2d(3) - 04/26/1975 & 1979 & 1983
Same as U2d, "5c Reduced Fare". Replaced U2d in 1979.
Style U2e - 04/26/1975 & 1979 & 1983
Same as U2a, special fares.
Style U2f - 04/26/1975 & 1979 & 1983
Sunday Supertransfer.
Style U2g - 04/26/1975 & 1979 & 1983
Sunday Supertransfer with "C" for Culture Bus. - Image courtesy Bruce Moffat
Style U3a - 1976 & 1980
Universal transfer (Bus & Rapid Transit). Black date and serial numbers.
Style U3b - 1976 & 1980
Same as u3a "5c Reduced Fare".
Style U3c - 1976 & 1980
Same as U3a "5c Senior/Handicapped" fare.
Style U3d - 1976 & 1980
Same as U3a, Special Fares
Style U3e - 1976 & 1980
Sunday Supertransfer
Style U3f - 1976 & 1980
Sunday Supertransfer overprinted with "C" for Culture Bus. SORRY, NO IMAGE AVAILABLE
Style U4a - c1977
Universal transfer (Bus & Rapid Transit). Blue date and serial numbers.
Style U4b - c1977
Same as U4a, "Senior/Handicapped" fare.
Style U4c - c1977
Same as U4a, Special fare.
Style U4d - c1977
Sunday Supertransfer.
Style U4e - c1977
Sunday Supertransfer overprinted with "C" for Culture Bus. - Image courtesy Bruce Moffat
Style U5a - c1978 & 1982
Universal transfer (Bus & Rapid Transit). Red date and serial numbers.
Style U5b - c1978 & 1982
Same as U5a "5c Senior/Handicapped" fare.
Style U5c - c1978 & 1982
Same as U5a, special fare.
Style U5d - c1978 & 1982
Sunday Supertransfer.
Style U5e - c1978 & 1982
Sunday Supertransfer overprinted with "C" for Culture Bus. - Image courtesy Bruce Moffat
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