CTA Surface System History presented by the Illinois Railway Museum - North Shore Section
A large part of this section is made possible by the countless hours of organizing and scanning material done by long-time volunteer and former IRM President Joe Stupar. Thanks to the efforts of him and others, we are able to provide this repository of North Shore Line historical information.
This section is just getting started. There is so much more to share. As we get the files ready and the website coding done, you will have access to more and more NSL information here.
Annual Reports (Financial/MOW/Power/Structures)
Blueprints of Equipment (Not actual blueprints, more like line drawings with dimentional specifications)
Bulletins - Operating, General Manager, Extra, Waukegan City
Daily Run Lists
Employee Magazine - "Highball"
Employee Magazine - NSL Bulletin
Employee Magazine - NSL News
Employee Timetables
Menus & Brochures
Miscellaneous Historical Documents
NSL History Periodicals
Photos (2,215 photos)
Public Timetables
Unusual Occurrences Reports
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