CTA Surface System History presented by the Illinois Railway Museum
The NSL photos from the Strahorn Library Collection are available thanks to the incredible amount of organizing and scanning time put in by Museum volunteer and former President Joe Stupar.
Due to concerns expressed by some about rampant piracy of photos on the internet, restrictions have been placed on posting photos from the Museum's collection here. The requirements set forth state that they must be low res and watermarked. We apologize to the vast majority of our patrons who only use this site as intended, for personal enjoyment and information gathering.
The photo captions are taken from information written on the slides/photos and/or from research. The numbers preceding the captions are simply inventory numbers and can be ignored.
PLEASE NOTE: The Museum has been the recipient of generous donations of many thousands of photos & slides. We realize that not every single one is diligently marked. When provided on the photo/slide, we will give credit to the photographer and/or previous owner. If the photo is marked "Reproduction Prohibited", we will not post it. We have always asked that you respect the documents/photos in our collection, we fully intend to do the same and will not proliferate the unauthorized sharing of photographs. Every photo on this site has been properly donated to the Museum. If by chance an unauthorized copy of a photo appears on this site, please let us know and we will remove it as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
NSL Photos from the Strahorn Library Collection
NSL Photos from Glass Plates (51 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 1a, Various Equipment/Buildings (64 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 1b (58 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 2a (50 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 2b (50 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 3a (50 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 3b (50 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 3c (45 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 4a (49 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 4b (49 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 5a (44 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 5b (44 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 5c (43 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 6a (45 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 6b (45 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 6c (45 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 7a (50 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 7b (50 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 7c (48 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 8a, Substations (50 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 8b, Substations (45 photos)
NSL Skokie Valley Photos - Part 8c, Substations (45 photos)
North Shore Line Photos - Various Topics
(Some Numbers are Skipped - Just the way the Storage File Structure is set up)
01 - Miscellaneous Part 1 (22 photos)
02 - Highwood Work (36 photos)
03 - MD Stations (29 photos)
04 - Eucharistic Congress (34 photos)
05 - Safety Photos (46 photos)
06 - Telephone Equipment (14 photos)
07 - Miscellaneous Views of Fox Lake (12 photos)
09 - Company Offices (13 photos)
10 - Control Tower (4 photos)
11 - Inaugural Air Service (13 photos)
12 - War Activities (10 photos)
13 - Evanston (9 photos)
15 - Miscellaneous Lake Geneva Photos (6 photos)
16 - Freight Locomotives (11 photos)
17 - Lantern Slides (11 photos)
19 - Car Washing Equipment (6 photos)
21 - Concessions (17 photos)
22 - Racine (19 photos)
23 - Miscellaneous Part 2 (52 photos)
24 - Advertising Billboards (73 photos)
25 - Howard St (13 photos)
26 - Wilson/Uptown Station (16 photos)
27 - North Shore Views (7 photos)
28 - Modernized Car Equipment (11 photos)
29 - Interior-Exterior Mod Cars (15 photos)
30 - Advertising, Photos & Displays (69 photos)
31 - Miscellaneous Part 3(53 photos)
32 - Advertising Exhibits (40 photos)
33 - Sky Harbor (4 photos)
34 - Bridges (2 photos)
35 - Roadbed Equipment (7 photos)
36 - Electroliner Inaugural (21 photos)
37 - Old Standard Equipment (17 photos)
38 - Service Resumption Publicity (14 photos)
39 - Electroliner Mechanical Equipment (7 photos)
40 - Employees (59 photos)
41 - Employee Activities (23 photos)
42 - Miscellaneous Part 4 (46 photos)
43 - Miscellaneous Part 5 (46 photos)
44 - 1933 Report Photos (25 photos)
46 - Industrial Organization (21 photos)
47 - Electroliner Interior (21 photos)
48 - Skokie Valley Opening (6 photos)
49 - Howard-Dempster Line (23 photos)
50 - Miscellaneous Construction Photos (15 photos)
51 - Howard-Dempster Construction (18 photos)
52 - Freight Service/Ferry Truck (24 photos)
53 - Electroliner Exterior Photos (26 photos)
54 - Merchandise Dispatch (10 photos)
55 - Orin Schmidt Photos (39 photos)
56 - Dempster Station (6 photos)
57 - Freight Cars (6 photos)
58/59/62 - Skokie Valley Construction (28 photos)
60 - Glenayre (4 photos)
61 - Niles Center Views (10 photos)
63 - Electroliner Display Signs (10 photos)
64 - Electroliner Advertising Material (7 photos)
65 - Construction (3 photos)
66 - Howard-Dempster Construction (6 photos)
67 - Milwaukee Shelters (31 photos)
69 - Miscellaneous Part 6 (2 photos)
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